You're Invited to Easter at New Life

Join us for Easter in Saginaw, MI. We are excited for you to join us for our Easter Service at New Life Saginaw this year! Join us on April 4 at 9am or 10:30am for worship, a message, and celebration of Jesus being alive. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, we invite you to celebrate Easter with us the year and find the joy that is in Jesus. 

Easter Service Times

Palm Sunday- Sunday, March 28 at 10am
Easter Sunday- Sunday, April 4 at 9am and 10:30am
On Easter Sunday we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, anticipating his return with the fullness of the kingdom on earth. He is our living hope and brings us new life.

Join us at 6115 Shattuck Rd. Saginaw, MI 48603

Register to Join us In- Person

You must register for In-Person attendance for our services  at this time. Registration for Easter is open until March 31 at midnight. Follow the link below to register.

What to Expect

What Time Is Easter Service?

Our two identical services begin at 9am and 10:30am

How Long?

Our Easter service will be 55 minutes 

Where at?

Our church is located at 6115 Shattuck Rd. Saginaw, MI 48603. Both services will also be streamed online.

What to Wear to Easter Service

Some people dress casual. Some dress up. Don’t sweat it, we are confident you will fit right in.

What to do with Kids Birth-Preschool?

We will have background-checked, staffed childcare for ages 6 months to Preschool at both services. Pre-Registration is required for children and spots are limited. We have a Lounge in the lobby and a Nursing Mothers Room available with an audio feed from the service. There will also be an Easter kit for children to use during service that can be picked up at the Welcome Center in the Lobby. 

What to do with Kids K-5?

Children in grades Kindergarten through 5th Grade will have programming at our 10:30am service. Pre-Registration is required for children and spots are limited. Programming will last for the entire service. Kids need to be dropped off by 10:30am to Room 107.  We have a Lounge in the Lobby available with an audio feed from the service. There will also be an Easter kit for children to use during service that can be picked up at the Welcome Center in the Lobby. 

COVID -Safe Services

Due to COVID-19, you must pre-register to attend a service in-person. Registration for Easter can be done HERE. We are operating our our main auditorium at about 30% capacity to make room for social distancing. Seating is assigned in family groups with adequate spacing between each group. Masks must be worn in the building at all times unless you are at your assigned seat. Masks may be removed during service as long as you are at your seat.