Our desire is to reach Saginaw and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, extending His love and resources to those in need and those who do not know Him personally. We partner with many wonderful people of God.

Local Partners
Emmaus House
Home for women, to provide a Christian atmosphere while they are creating new lives for themselves.
Teen Challenge
Residential program for men and women 18 and over who struggle with drug and alcohol abuse.
New Life Chaplain Corps
Chaplain services for local organizations such as Fire and Police Departments, MMR, and more.
Nonprofit blood bank that provides blood for more than 40 hospitals throughout Michigan.
Life Clinic
Offers free and confidential medical, educational, and parenting services to anyone experiencing a planned or unplanned pregnancy.
Forgotten Youth Ministry
Helps transform juvenile offenders into God-serving members of society.
Partnership Center
Working with economically disadvantaged persons, responding to specified needs and fostering opportunities for new beginnings.
Foster Family Navigation and Resource Center
Connecting Foster Families with Resources and Education, Foster Families NRC was built from the idea of working smarter to better support our foster families.