Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
Our Student Ministry is for teens (6-12 grade). Teens meet on Wednesdays evenings for Student Group and meet for community service, retreats and fun nights throughout the year. Download our App to stay up to date!
The goal of the Student Ministry is a Disciple.
One who loves Jesus for the rest of his or her life.
Believes in, belongs to, and is becoming like Jesus.
Knows they are created in God’s Image and their Identity is based on Jesus.
Our discipleship is built on adult Christ-followers committing meaningful, intentional, and consistent time and space to a child or group of children so that they may know who Jesus is and are known by a body of believers, place their faith in Jesus and apply the Word of God, and reproduce their own discipleship by telling others about Jesus.
The goal of the Student Ministry is a Disciple.
One who loves Jesus for the rest of his or her life.
Believes in, belongs to, and is becoming like Jesus.
Knows they are created in God’s Image and their Identity is based on Jesus.
Our discipleship is built on adult Christ-followers committing meaningful, intentional, and consistent time and space to a child or group of children so that they may know who Jesus is and are known by a body of believers, place their faith in Jesus and apply the Word of God, and reproduce their own discipleship by telling others about Jesus.
Student Group
Grades 5-12
Using The Gospel Project, interactive activities and small group discussions, students gain a sense of belonging to a community of believers and learn to correctly apply biblical truths to their lives.
Student Leadership
Grades 9-12
Meet on Wednesdays together as we discover God's purpose for our lives and are equipped to fulfill that purpose