Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
New Life Saginaw defines global outreach (also known as missions) as the international endeavor to fulfill the Great Commission (Mt. 28:19-20), spreading the good news of Christ in order to make disciples from every people group, language, and nation, for the glory and worship of God (Rev. 7:9). Such endeavors may also include ministering to physical, emotional, and social needs in the name of Christ as a demonstration of the love of God. We desire to provide those whom God is sending with support in the following areas: prayer, finances, encouragement/communication, and logistics (Rom. 10:15).
New Life currently supports homegrown missionaries serving in 2 different countries. We also support 12 other missionaries and ministries globally. If you’d like to learn more, we welcome you to connect with one of the members of our Global Outreach Team.
New Life currently supports homegrown missionaries serving in 2 different countries. We also support 12 other missionaries and ministries globally. If you’d like to learn more, we welcome you to connect with one of the members of our Global Outreach Team.