Uniquely Positioned

Jan 24, 2021    Pastor Ken Cline

I make a difference.
You make a difference.
We make a difference.

In this teaching from the “One Makes A Difference” series, Pastor Ken shows us that God has placed each of us in a specific place and time - around just the right people - to do our part in His mission.

Have you ever played with dominoes? You stand them up side by side, make curvy paths, even stack them up however you see fit according to your plan. Then, when you’re ready to set it in motion, do you just start smashing and flinging all the dominoes everywhere? Of course not. All you have to do is tip the first domino in the chain. That domino knocks over the next, then the next, and so on until the planned course is completed. One touch makes a difference. If the first domino never moves forward, the plan never gets set in motion. Well, here’s the awesome part, in God’s plan for your life’s course, YOU are the first domino! You are “Uniquely Positioned” to affect friends, co-workers, and family members for God like no one else! The relationships you’ve made in your life put you in the perfect position to share the Gospel with them. I don’t work next to your co-worker all day – you do. I’m not there for your friend to confide in – you are. And when you use these unique positionings to share the Good News of Jesus with those in front of you, you start a domino effect; because when God moves in their lives, they can tell others in front of them. Then they tell another, and another until God’s planned course is completed.

Isn’t it awesome to know that God want to use us to complete His plan! And he promises to be with us every step of the way. (Matthew 28:19-20) Remember, dominoes don’t set themselves up – they’re deliberately placed. You’re in the perfect position to affect those in front of you. Will you allow God to push you forward?