Developing a Taste for God
Do you remember when you were a kid and your parents always seemed to put those gross veggies on your dinner plate? Did you respond with, “Ew! I don’t like spinach!” or, “I am NOT eating that!” I’m sure we all did at some point. But then, over time, as we grew up, we starting trying those “gross” veggies and we found out that we actually kinda’ liked them. And after a little more time, we actually craved them sometimes! (Well, ok, maybe not spinach, still!) But that’s how it works. We try new foods; our body decides that it likes them – and the nutrients that come with them – and it will start to let us know when it needs those things. All in an effort to keep us healthy and strong.
This same principle applies to our spiritual lives as well.
When we’re young – spiritually, physically, or both – sometimes the things of God seem unappetizing to us. “Ew! I don’t like praying!” or, “I am NOT reading that!” But just like physical food, when we start to grow up and try more “spiritual food,” we find that we actually kinda’ like it. And as we grow some more, our spirit starts to crave it – and the benefits that come with it – and it will let us know when we need those things. All in an effort to keep our spirits healthy and strong. Neat how that works, isn’t it!
In today’s message, Pastor Ken shows us how to get our fill of spiritual food. Through prayer, fasting, and spending time with God, we get spiritually nourished, and it prepares us for any testing and trials that may come our way. Spend some quiet time with the Lord. Have an intimate spiritual dinner with Him. He knows exactly how you like your food prepared – and it’s delicious.