May 15, 2022 | Wineskins Part 2
The Pharisees believed in fasting based on Old Testament scriptures. They questioned why Jesus wasn’t following this tradition.
Jesus in fact did fast (40 days in the desert - when his ministry began).
But at this point in his ministry he was not fasting because he was present with his disciples. He explained it this way, “Can you make the guests of the bridegroom fast while he is with them?” (vs. 34) He said there would be a time for fasting again after he would leave.
Jesus uses the wineskin parable(vs. 36-39) to teach he was bringing something new and not just adding onto old teaching. In Bible times, wine was put inside a bag made from goat or sheep skin. New wine would produce gas and new wineskins could stretch to accommodate. Old wineskins were inflexible and would crack or burst if new wine was inside.
The meaning for us is that Jesus is bringing something new into our lives. When Jesus comes into our lives and lives with us, we shouldn’t just be adding onto our old way of living. We should constantly be growing spiritually.