House of Prayer Pt. 1

Jan 7, 2024    Pastor Ken Cline

The focus for New Life in 2024 will be becoming the House of Prayer for All Nations. This comes from Mark 11:15-18, the record of Jesus cleansing the Court of the Gentiles in the temple from moneychangers and merchants. These business people were trying to make the sacrifices more convenient for travelers, but in the process, they were blocking the little bit of access Gentiles had been granted to draw near to God. 

Gentiles and women were not allowed access into the inner regions of the temple compound. Instead, outer courts were designated for their use and signs were posted around the inner areas warning them to not go any farther or risk being killed. These were limitations God never intended. The original temple design in the Old Testament did not have these courts. But over time, religious leaders created these barriers. In Jesus’ day, the merchants and money changers had made it even more difficult for gentiles to worship by filling their court with booths for exchanging currency and selling livestock to be sacrificed. 

But worship was never meant to be convenient. In fact, comfort can detract from what God is trying to do in our lives. It is also God’s desire that all come into a relationship with Him. People from every tribe and nation are meant to worship Him in heaven. So Jesus went into the temple to remove the barriers and show the religious elite that His desire is for all to come to repentance and be reconciled to God. 

Jesus has passed His message and mission on to us, commanding us to teach all nations and to pray for those around the world trying to bring the gospel to those who haven’t heard. The temple is no more. Instead, God’s people are being built up into a spiritual house. We must do everything we can to remove barriers keeping people from hearing the good news of Jesus. We must become a house of prayer for ALL nations.