November 27, 2022 | Come Down
AD-VENT \ˈadˌvent\ (noun)
The arrival of a notable person, thing, or event.
Welcome to the first Sunday of Advent! Of course, we know Advent as a time of anticipating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This event sums up Webster’s definition perfectly. Jesus’ birth (the event) gave us Jesus (the person) and ushered the Kingdom of God and our Salvation (the thing) to Earth! Jesus’ birth was so worth the wait for God’s people – and wait they did! Listen in as Pastor Ken teaches us about the prophet Isaiah and how he foretold Jesus’ birth 700 years before it happened! Our Advent season is only a month long and some of us still get antsy. Can you imagine waiting 700 years for Christmas?
Isaiah pleads with God to “come down” and help us and make everything right. And God did come down - but it took a while. The children of Israel had to wait. Waiting is hard, but it’s something we need to learn. Advent helps to teach us this. When we wait on God – without rushing ahead, thinking we know better – the end result is always worth it. Pastor Ken also teaches us that while we wait in this season to celebrate the coming of Jesus in a manger, we need to also look forward to his triumphant return! Just as the children of Israel were waiting for the coming of the Messiah, we are waiting for the return of King Jesus to again set everything right. It’s been thousands of years coming, but it will be so worth the wait. Follow Pastor Ken from Isaiah to Revelation as he teaches us about the One who’s worth waiting for.
Oh, and don’t miss the part about riding a rollercoaster…in the most spiritual way possible, of course.