Time With God
We crave love because God is love. And yet, so often, we allow other things to take up our time and attention. We find it hard to engage with Him because we can’t see Him or hear Him verbally.
But our faith is not a blind one. We are blessed with a written record of who Jesus is. He once walked this earth in bodily form and continues to walk with us through His Word. And when we choose to enter into a relationship with Him, we are rewarded. (Hebrews 11:6) We must follow the example of Jesus and spend time with the Father so that we are prepared to live out the mission He has given to us.
Both in times of crisis and in times of calm, we need to hang on God’s words more than any other. Through His Word we have everything we need to live a life of godliness.
He gives life and power.
He gives strength in tough times.
He provides for our needs.
He desires to spend time with us.
What is keeping you from taking more time with God? What idol are you treasuring above Him? Remember, where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.