November 7, 2021- Benediction Pt. 2
A common complaint among Christians is the feeling of not being “enough” or having “enough” to do the tasks we feel called to do. Though such thinking is common, it is contrary to God’s character and His Word.
God always has more. His resources are never limited. And He has equipped us for every good work through the power of the Holy Spirit and the giving of spiritual gifts and material resources. The lack comes from our feelings rather than reality.
But even in our feelings, God has provided through Jesus—the Prince of Peace. By expecting God to come through for us, believing in His promises, and resting in the security He brings, we find the surrender of what we have to be enough in His capable hands. The resurrection is all the proof we need to believe God is able to do what He has promised, even when it seems impossible. The fear comes from trying to find that same security in earthly things.
It is God’s plan to use God’s people to accomplish His will. He is not going to change His mind regarding His methods or His promised provision in bringing about His kingdom purposes. We are complete in Him. He isn’t asking us to be more than we are capable of being. However, He is asking us to trust Him to surrender our gifts, talents, time, and resources to His will and watch as He multiplies it 1,000 fold as He once did a small boy’s lunch.