March 27, 2022 | Alien God Part 2

Mar 27, 2022    Pastor Ken Cline

When God speaks, what is your answer?
For Isaiah, “woah is me” was the immediate response. “I am a man undone.” Isaiah recognized his sin, repented, and surrendered himself to whatever God wanted of him without question.
When faced with the holiness of God, person after person in Scripture fell to their knees, covered their faces, and repented of their sins. Yet many times, when we are confronted with God’s holiness, we try to negotiate.
God has drawn a line in the sand. It’s a boundary meant to protect us from what Satan wants to use to destroy us. God warns us of the damage to come out of love for us. In fact, He crossed the line between Heaven and Earth out of love for us, to atone for sin and provide a way to a new life of freedom.
We cannot pay the price for our sin alone. We were born in bondage to sin. We needed a Savior and Jesus gave us Himself. The proper response to such a sacrifice is humility and repentance.
When we truly understand the cost Jesus paid for our sin, we will stop trying to see how close we can get to the ways of this world without getting burned. Instead of trying to mimic the world we will start to win the world to Jesus, submitting to God’s plan as Isaiah did—“Here am I. Send me.”