July 31, 2022 | New Over Old
Old Testament covers several thousand years of history; New Testament about 100 years.
Testament means covenant /agreement - a binding treaty between 2 parties (God & his people)
OLD TESTAMENT: 3 main covenants (Behavior changes from the outside, in)
1.Covenant with Noah (Gen. 9:8-13) God plans to judge an evil world. He tells Noah to build an ark and then destroys the world by flood. The covenant was his promise to never again destroy the whole earth by flood.
2. Covenant with Abraham (Gen.12:13) God sends Abraham to an unknown place that God shows him and says he will make a great nation from him. Through Abraham God will bless the earth (Jesus comes from this line).
3. Covenant with Moses :10 Commandments (Ex. 19-20) + many more laws (approx. 613)
These laws included moral laws, ceremonial laws (sacrifices & festivals), and civil laws (like a constitution to form their nation).
The OT covenants were conditional: If you do __, I will do __. No one could perfectly obey.
Why have laws you can’t obey? 1) The people needed to know how to live (just as we have traffic laws we don’t always obey - they are standards for the community) 2) The law reveals how we don’t measure up to God and why we need him. It points forward to the NT covenant.
(Gal. 3:24-25)
NEW TESTAMENT: 1 covenant (Change comes from the inside, out)
Jesus is the sacrifice once for all. The Holy Spirit dwells inside believers (Jer. 31:33-34)
Part of the OT covenant stays, but most does not (Heb. 8:13)
The NT covenant is superior. It is for every nation, Jesus did all the work. God shows his love and mercy by placing his Spirit inside us to help us change.