July 24, 2022 | King Over Country
It can be easy to slip into a way of life that inserts idols over Jesus. In this third part to the Over series, Pastor Ken reminds us that Jesus is to take priority over everything, including our families and our country.
If we are too busy to serve Jesus because of family obligations, this is a sign that family has become the source of our worship rather than Jesus. Jesus teaches in Luke 14:26-33 that your love for Jesus should be so great that your love for anything else, including your family, should look like hate. Does this mean that hating your family is a requirement for serving God? No! Jesus was trying to get us to understand that if we put Him first in our lives, everything else will be better too. Our relationships, work, and even our country would be better if we worshipped and served Jesus as our highest priority and aligned everything else under Him in their respective places.
When Christians serve Jesus as their King, their worries will sort themselves out. We will be able to love everyone, regardless of their political leanings, because we value them as children of God made in the image of God. Jesus is concerned about the whole world coming to know Him and being part of His kingdom, not just America.
To truly keep Jesus in His rightful place as King of our lives, we must put familial and political concerns below spiritual and Kingdom concerns. We must set aside every weight that might keep us from the mission of God and do the work He has called us to do in the power of the Holy Spirit. (Hebrews 12:1-2, Acts 1:6) By submitting to the Kingship of Jesus, we show our families and our neighbors what it means to be part of the family and kingdom of God.