October 22, 2023 | Fancy Words Pt. 1
1. Regeneration: What God does- giving us new life
John 3:1 Nicodemus (a member of the Sanhedrin) came to Jesus secretly. Jesus tells him he cannot see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. Spiritual rebirth comes from God. Without this rebirth, you will only function religiously in the church, talk the talk, but not live it out. (Ephesians 2:1-5). You will not be able to understand spiritual things. We can give physical birth to babies, but not spiritual rebirth (see Romans 10:17 we are dead spiritually).
Jesus talks about being born of water & the spirit. This could mean physically (water) and then spiritually or just spiritual rebirth (both together as mentioned elsewhere in the gospel of John). He refers to the wind blowing where it will to demonstrate that the Spirit moves when and where it will. God does all the work. You cannot argue someone into the kingdom of God, you should pray for the Spirit to do the work and then move and act how God shows you.
2. Conversion: What we do by repenting & believing in faith
Believing the gospel (1 Corinthians 15: 3-6, 12) about the power of his resurrection.
Share the word of God. Faith comes by hearing the word and not by opinions. Without rebirth we are dead in our sins (Romans 10:17) & new life is eternal life (John 10:28)!