November 12, 2023 | Fancy Words Pt. 3

Nov 12, 2023    Pastor Ken Cline

The process by which God makes us holy, done by the Holy Spirit 

Separateness from the world and doing what is ethically right. (1 Peter 1: 1-2, 14-15)

God took us the way we were (justification), but he doesn’t want us to stay there (sanctification).

He requires a relationship - our will & obedience. We have to be willing to change. It’s not a checklist of how we should look and act, but a way of living that reflects God’s character.  

God is working in all things for our good, to transform us to be more like him. But we have a responsibility to participate. It is supernatural work in which we cooperate. (Romans 8:28-29; Phil. 2: 12-13)

7 Ways that He sanctifies us 

God’s Word - read, think, and pray it (John 17:17)

Faith - take the word & apply it without worrying about how you feel (Gal 2:20)

Church- be involved with God’s people in order to mature (Eph.4:11-13; Heb. 10: 24-25)

Forgiveness - don’t let your anger become set in, watch out for bitterness (Eph. 4:32)

Prayer - pray for your enemies & those who persecute you (Matt. 5:44-48)

Service - Jesus’ example - humbly do for others (John 13: 14-15)

Suffering - when we are suffering we often turn to God. It’s not punishment - ask God what do you want me to learn? (Heb. 5:8-9)