July 16, 2023 | 1 Peter Part 4
July 16th, 2023 – 1 Peter Series Pt. 4: Winning Your Spouse
Who do you think of when you think of an influencer? Someone in power, like a CEO or a president? A 16-year-old kid on YouTube with 10 million subscribers? Maybe a famous actor or recording artist? Now, while all these may be true in different ways, I bet the one person you never consider an influencer is you.
In today’s teaching, Pastor Ken is continuing our look at 1 Peter - specifically, the part where we find out that we are called to be influencers for the Gospel. Now, before you go creating a YouTube channel and put all your effort into racking up views, go check out 1 Peter 2:12. It basically says that we should live such good, Godly lives that people around us will be drawn to God. No subscribers necessary. And the people around us can mean our co-workers, our friends, even our spouses. In fact, Pastor Ken emphasizes the kind of influence husbands and wives can have on each other in today’s lesson – especially the wives. If you’re a wife and you’re reading this, you’ll definitely want to listen in. You are in a unique position to be such a positive influence to your husband – whether he’s a believer or not. Husbands, you also have an important role to play. You can influence through your love and respect of your wife. You both have important roles to play, but it will take effort and commitment to both your spouse and to God. Don’t be discouraged if it gets a little tough, besides, men are like waffles and women are like spaghetti. (You’ll have to watch the video if you want that to make sense.)