June 25, 2023 | 1 Peter Part 2

Jun 25, 2023    Pastor Ken Cline

We are Gods chosen people. We are strangers in this world and won’t fit completely into this world. In fact, completely fitting in is a bad sign.

Today we spend time in 1 Peter 2:1-10. We are to take off the old, malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander. The more we crave God, the more of these things we’ll want to rid. 

Coming to God is not a one time event. We are being built up into God’s spiritual house as we represent him in the world. A house built with Jesus as the cornerstone, the stone of which we align our lives. 

We become different people when we turn to Jesus. We take off our old ways of living and embrace the new because we have received the mercy of God.