January 1, 2023 | Reading the Map

Jan 1, 2023    Pastor Ken Cline

It is the calling of all Christians to make disciples of all nations. We call this the Great Commission and it is found in Matthew 28:18-20. This call to make disciples was Jesus’ parting words to us before He ascended into Heaven—the very last thing He wanted us to remember as we moved forward in our faith through the power of the Holy Spirit. 

These words are vitally important because some people have never heard of Jesus and He is no longer here in a physical way to represent Himself. He has commissioned us to be His representatives. It is our job to tell the world about Jesus’ Good News. We should all be involved in this significant and monumental task by going to another nation, helping others to go, and living our lives in a way that invites those around us to “come and see” that God is good and wants good things for them. 

Jesus has done His good work for all people. It is our job now to do our part. We partner with Jesus in filling the earth with those who love Him and glorify Him by making disciples. Much has been done in the 2,000 years that Christianity has been a force on this earth, but there is much still to be done. We must constantly be learning God’s Word, praying for God’s will, giving to God’s mission, and going to all nations to share the Gospel. This is how we invest in the Kingdom to come.