January 22, 2023 | Send Out the Word
Isaiah 55: 1-12
This is the great invitation to come, hear, seek and take God’s word.
It only makes sense if you know Jesus is the servant referred to in Isaiah 53 prophesied to die for our sins.
Come: (vs 1) Come is mentioned 4 times shows the urgency for those who are spiritual thirsty.
Jesus said if anyone is thirsty let him come (John 37:38)
2. Hear: (vs 3) Hear me so that your soul may live.
3. Seek & call on Him and be pardoned : (vs 6-9) God’s mercy and grace are available because of Jesus. God’s ways are not our ways. It’s a process of coming, listening, and submitting over and over.
4. God’s Word: (vs 10-11) His word is supernatural, bringing about creation (Genesis), healing, and causing us to be new creations. John 1:1-14 describes Jesus as the Word who was at the beginning with God and then incarnate, and still with God.
5. Senders: (vs. 12) We are to take God’s word out (John 20:21, Matthew 28:19-20, Romans 10:13-15).