September 10, 2023 | Psalm 139 Part 1
God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and holy, but He is also personal, relational, and loving. He is so much more than the images of Him we craft when we define Him through the lens of our circumstances. We must allow Him to define Himself as He has revealed through His word and the person of Jesus. When we do, we realize God knows us better than we know ourselves. Therefore, we can come to Him in complete transparency in our struggles.
We often turn to substances or distractions to protect us from the storms of life. But when the psalmist was going through a storm, he turned to God. He confesses that God has searched him thoroughly and knows him personally. God knows everything we do, feel, think, and desire. He understands us, because He has walked in our skin and in our world. When we pray, we can be honest with Him and go to Him knowing He will protect us and guide us with His hand.
Our comfort in life and in death is that we are not alone. We belong to God who has saved us and will carry us through all our days and into eternity.