September 17, 2023 | Psalm 139 Part 2
Who is God to you? When you think of him, what do you picture in your mind? Is God a feeble old man sitting on a cloud unconcerned? Is he an angry, muscle-bound, Zeus-like character just waiting to zap you with a lightning bolt if you step out of line? How about a loving, involved father who wants the best for you? Different people have different ideas of who God is. Who is he to you?
I bet one way you’ve never thought of God as is the Hide & Seek champion of the world (especially the seeking part). But in today’s portion of scripture, Psalm 139:7-12, the psalmist speaks of how it’s impossible to hide or flee from God. Whether we go to the heavens, or hide in the depths – even in the dark, we’re not hidden from him. Now, depending on how you view God, this can be a very comforting or very unsettling thought. Now, of course, as Christians, hopefully we know that God is a loving, personal, and relational God who’s always there for us. The Bible says he hems us in. He won’t let us out of his sight because he’s a good father. But again, for someone with a negative view of God, this can be downright frightening. If you see God as scary or mean, please watch as Pastor Ken teaches us about the true character and nature of God. If you see God as a loving king and father, watch also so you can share the Good News with others who need to know that God loves them. What peace to know that he’s always by our side.