September 24, 2023- Psalm 139 Part 3
Psalm 139: 13-18
God is Personal & Relational
Vs 13: "You created my inmost being, you knit me in my mother’s womb." He personally made each of us, not an assembly line. This is the framework of human value.
Genesis 2:7 says He formed man and breathed his own breath on us (formed=modeled. This was personal, intimate, loving.
Genesis 2:21-24 describes how he made a woman from man in a personal way. In these verses we see gender and how marriage is defined as a man & a woman. Everything that God has made is challenged by sin. In today’s world, both gender and marriage are being challenged. Remember we are to love the person who may disagree, and pray for them speaking kindly the word of truth. God died for them as he did for us. Sin has warped the truth.
Vs 14: The psalmist praises God for the way we were made. Today we know that DNA from 1 cell uncoiled = 6 feet. All our DNA = 67 billion miles long (150 roundtrips to the moon & back)!
Ephesians 2:10 “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works”. In today’s culture, many people tie their identity to race, gender, or a cause. Our identity & message is in God.
Vs. 15-16: Describes how we were made in a secret place and our days were ordained by God. There was never a time He didn’t know us. God is really in control, that should give us peace!
Vs. 17-18: Tells how precious & vast are God’s thoughts (precious could also mean difficult). Either way, he is never too busy for us, he is personal & relational with us, but also amazingly big!