Character Making

Aug 16, 2020    Pastor Ken Cline

Discipleship is a word we don’t hear often. We hear a lot about going to church or being “religious.” Even words like Christianity have become labels for behaviors and beliefs across a wide spectrum. Discipleship is different. It is specific. You can be religious and not be a disciple. You can claim to be a Christian and not be a disciple.

Jesus once said,

“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life and those who find it are few.” - Matthew 7:13-14

To be a disciple is to enter the narrow gate. Discipleship begins with salvation but doesn’t stop there. Discipleship requires a departure from the path you were on to follow the path Jesus calls you to. Discipleship requires an un-learning of the habits and beliefs of culture and learning the thoughts and patterns of Jesus. Discipleship also requires a cost—a picking up of a cross as Jesus described and later modeled.

But discipleship is not all heaviness and woe. It is also full of blessing. Walking with Holy Spirit through life and into the presence of Jesus at death is more than a gift. Peace despite circumstances and joy in dark times feels like inside glance between best friends that carries you through whatever you’re facing. It is fellowship with the One who loves you more than life itself and died a horrific, public death to prove it. It is many things and also the most important thing. The question is…are you a disciple?