The Cost

Aug 9, 2020    Pastor Ken Cline

Sacrifice, discomfort, denial. . . oh my!
In part two of Pastor Ken’s series, Discipleship Is, we learn about the COST of discipleship. But
don’t let that first line scare you away! The rewards FAR outweigh the costs when it comes to
serving King Jesus!
Speaking of King Jesus, is that how you see Him? Is He your king, or is he just a morally good
teacher and a nice guy? It seems people in the Church have different attitudes toward following
Jesus. If you regard Him as King, then, when he says, “Go!,” you go without question,
regardless of what you have to give up or leave behind. Is that you? Or do you hear His call,
but when it's time to move, you hold onto the hobbies, possessions, or people that keep you
from following his will? Ouch.
The good news, is that Jesus is a good King. A merciful, just, and loving King. He knows our
struggles and hurts and hang-ups because He WAS us! And because He understands us,
when we put Him first in our lives and acknowledge Him as King, He'll help us to walk through
life in peace and joy (pandemic and all!). Also, unlike most earthly kings, Jesus loves to listen to
us and guide us, and help us through our doubts and questions. And our biggest question
should be, "how much do we value Jesus" In today's lesson, you'll learn the cost and the
reward of valuing Him above all else!
"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up.
Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field."
Matthew 13:44 ESV
Is Jesus your treasure? Is Jesus your King?