Part 4

Aug 23, 2020    Pastor Ken Cline

The fourth and final part in Pastor Ken’s Discipleship series challenges us to accept and obey the commission of Jesus--fishing for people (Matthew 4:18-20). Of course, Jesus provides us example after example of how to do this, but in this sermon, Pastor Ken focuses on the story of the woman at the well. What is so special about this passage is that this was not an easy fishing trip. Everything about it was against cultural norms at the time: a Jew talking to a Samaritan, a Jewish man talking to a woman. This was risky. What an example to us to be courageous and stick to the mission of God no matter how hard the situation may be.

This must be our priority. As disciples, we know how the water Jesus offers, like in the story of the woman at the well, quenches our deepest thirsts and needs. We know how life-changing that is. But some people go their whole lives not knowing; always feeling thirsty. As disciples, we can not be content with that. We must be so full of the living water that Jesus offers that it has nowhere to go but pour out onto those around us. Even if it means risk; even if it means putting ourselves in a position where we may be turned down or offended; even if it means stepping out of our comfortable cultural norms. Are you that kind of disciple?