Born and Unborn
What first comes to mind when you hear the term “Pro-Life?” For most of us, we probably think abortion. But have you considered that “Pro-Life” means so much more? In Pastor Ken’s current sermon series, we have been looking at the value of every human being. According to Psalm 8:4-5 the Lord has crowned each and every one of us with glory and honor. Being “Pro-Life” means believing this is true and then treating every life as it is crowned with glory and honor.
When we, as Christians, only view the term “Pro-Life” as abortion, we are seen as hypocrites. Valuing the unborn is important, but we have to value the born just as much. This means offering more than just a political vote. It means offering resources, support, and compassion to non-profits, pregnancy resource centers, and foster care and adoption agencies to take care of our neighbor.