Diversity is a Gift from God

Mar 7, 2021    Pastor Ken Cline

There’s an old children’s hymn that’s been sung by church kids for years. Maybe you’ve heard it. Maybe you’ve even sung it before. Some of the lyrics are:

Jesus Loves the little children,
All the children of the world.
Red and yellow black and white,
They are precious in His sight.
Jesus loves the little children of the world.

This is such a great way to introduce Pastor Ken’s latest teaching from the “Honoring the Image” series. This week’s message is all about showing how God deliberately and perfectly created people – in His image – to be a glorious mix of ethnicities and races – male and female. We’re beautifully diverse and He loves us all just as we should love each other.

Being different from one another is a good thing! Can you imagine how boring life would be if everyone on the planet was just a cookie cutter duplicate of each other? The same language, the same food, the same music. No, thanks. Variety really is the spice of life. God knew that when he created us, (especially the food part, mmm!) and his plans are perfect!

Unfortunately, our world has taken their eyes off of and turned their hearts away from God’s perfect plan. Now, different equals derogatory in almost every area of our lives; politics, skin color, gender, and nationality to name a few. This flawed view has even crept its way into the Church. God help us! But we still have hope!

Listen in as Pastor Ken shows us how Jesus harmonizes our diversity, how we are all one in Christ, and how we can look forward to the greatest celebration anyone has ever known as we join with all tongues, tribes, and nations with the One who ransomed us all! Amen!