Jesus the Stranger

Mar 21, 2021    Pastor Ken Cline

What does the Bible say about immigration? How should we, as Christians, treat immigrants and what should we advocate for? In the final part of Pastor Ken’s sermon series, Pro-Life: Honoring the Image, we learn the answers to these questions.

The word “sojourner”, meaning immigrant, occurs in the Old Testament about 100 times! And almost every single time sojourner is used in terms of how we are to take care of them. Deuteronomy 10:17-18 tells us that God loves the sojourner and gives them food and clothing and he calls us to love the sojourner as well! Even more so, we see examples of immigration in some of the most well-known Biblical figures such as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This sure makes it seem like immigration is important to God.

We are called to treat all people with honor and respect as they are made in the image of God. There is no exception for immigrants. In fact, we should be especially attune to the hearts of sojourners because we are strangers too. At one time, we were all strangers to the gospel of Jesus and we are still strangers in this world, passing through until our true residency with Christ. Check out the full sermon to learn more about immigration in America and how you can love the sojourner as God does.